It’s Meme o’Clock – Do you know where your zombies are?

July 10, 2008 at 9:05 pm 9 comments

So I was tagged for this by darkentries, probably as a ruse to lure the hordes of shambling dead this way. But the only way to deal with a hot potato is to pass it on as soon as you can, so here’s my answers and I’ll see you in hell!

You are in a mall when zombies attack. You have:
1. One weapon
2. One song blasting on the speakers
3. One famous person to fight along side you.

1. If videogames have taught me anything it’s that you can’t go wrong with a grenade launcher. All I’ll need is to pick up a Quad Damage somewhere and those zombies will be gibbed.

Grenade Launcher

Grenade Launcher

2. 100% Fucked by Angelspit – “Bathing in your arrogance / Dining will ensue / God made me a cannibal / To fix problems like you”

3. Quentin Tarantino

There’s two reasons. a) His encyclopedic knowledge of trashy cinema will provide many innovative solutions to the zombie problem and b) I’ll be too busy fighting brain-seeking armies to write my own dialogue and I want to sound cool.

Me: You know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in the mall?
Q: What’d they call it?
Me: Your face, Quentin, if you don’t start shooting some zombies right now.

So, Coloured Mind, Auralay and Aethelread, reinforce the barricades, you’re tagged.

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9 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Matt  |  July 10, 2008 at 9:38 pm

    I don’t know who you are or what your blog is about, but I found this post and I like where your head’s at.

    As a professional hater of zombies, here’s my non-professional answer to the queries you didn’t ask me:

    1) My favorite shotgun, well oiled, light trigger, semi-automatic. It doesn’t have the flare of a grenade launcher or flamethrower, but it has the old, trusty, I’m-your-best-friend kind of thing going for it.

    2) “Indestructible” by Disturbed, because “The Sickness” is too cliche and as far as zombies are concerned, I’m made of metal and buckshot (which happens to also be metal).

    3) Jennifer Connelly, because every man needs a damsel in distress to fight for, and what better lady than the serious, dark, talented, Jennifer Connelly? And even if she didn’t like me, she’d make me think that she did, which is close enough.

    Man, I hate zombies.

  • 2. auralay  |  July 10, 2008 at 11:34 pm

    let’s make an army, shall we? But I’m so going to break the rules and play multiple songs..

  • 3. darkentries  |  July 11, 2008 at 9:33 am

    Not sure about a grenade launcher. Ok outside, but in confined spaces. I know too well what happens when something leaps out at you and all you’re carrying is a grenade launcher.
    Aside from the screaming like a girl and wetting oneself.

    Add to that, you’re probably barricaded in the shopping mall to avoid endless hordes, and a grenade launcher is bound to make great big holes in the walls, bring down the roof, generally cause major structural damage.

  • 4. auralay  |  July 11, 2008 at 9:35 am

    Hey. I’m a girl and I scream just fine…

  • 5. darkentries  |  July 11, 2008 at 9:46 am

    just in a slightly higher register…

  • 6. experimental chimp  |  July 11, 2008 at 10:09 am

    Yeah, but with a bit of timing you should also be able to use the grenades to rocket jump out of danger. Soldiers do that, right?

  • 7. darkentries  |  July 11, 2008 at 10:22 am

    This is real life solider! You can’t go rocket jumping when there are hordes of the groaning undead advancing upon your position.


    Maybe, being in a shopping mall, you could appease the dribbly ones with a steady supply of reheated McDonalds patties, which are similar to brains, but after a few would no doubt kill them stone dead – undead. Thing.

  • 8. auralay  |  July 11, 2008 at 12:39 pm

    @ darkentries
    I’ll forgive you this once.

    but for the record, I happen to have a very terrifying scream.

  • 9. Tagged for a meme « Aethelread the Unread  |  July 12, 2008 at 2:20 pm

    […] for a meme I have apparently been “tagged for a meme” by experimental chimp, which is a thrilling new experience for me.  (I am, as in all […]

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Hi, I'm James. I'm a 26 year old guy from England with bipolar disorder (currently well controlled). I also have a circadian rhythm sleep disorder (not so well controlled). This blog has charted my journey from mental illness, through diagnosis and, recently, into recovery. It's not always easy, but then, what is?


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As of 12th September 2008 it has been forty five weeks since I quit smoking. So in another seven weeks it'll have been a whole year.